Last website update: 8 December 2015
Build 378 is latest 2.1 software update.
New 36 page catalog can be downloaded (8M) or mailed upon request. A short form (1M) is also available.
Demos and Support
Live Internet based training for initial installation. Includes real time web cam and audio. For more info see Live Support Over the Internet.
Live Internet based demos of instruments. You see your sample run in real time on instrument at FTA.
Demo and Rental Instruments
Two FTA1000 B frame instruments, a simple manual and an automated one, are available for rental or self-guided demo at your location. Consult FTA sales for further information.
Contract Measurements
Contract (for-fee) measurements are available in two FTA laboratories: Newark, California and Cambridge, England.
Newark has
contact angle
interfacial tension
interfacial dilational stress rheology
Cambridge has these and, in addition,
interfacial shear stress rheology
Wilhelmy balance contact angle and surface tension
bubble pressure tensiometry
For additional information, contact Kevin Peters at