DCA-100 Contact Angle Tensiometer
Force Balance Tensiometer
This new modular tensiometer brings choices in sensitivity and sample handling accessories. All at very economical prices: laboratory quality tensiometers at less than $20,000.

DCA-100 Contact Angle Tensiometer
Two sensitivity ranges are offered: 1 microgram resolution and 100 micrograms. The 1 microgram unit is more expensive but provides the sensitivity necessary to measure contact angles on fibers. Fibers are difficult because they have a small wetted periphery -- hence the developed forces are small. Click here for a discussion of resolution, the relationship between micrograms and newtons force, and fiber measurements. The 100 microgram resolution balance is completely suitable for Du Nouy and Wilhelm plate surface tension measurements and Wilhelmy plate contact angle immersion measurements on centimeter-size samples. In all these cases the wetted periphery is measured in tens of millimeters rather than tens of microns.

Contact angle measurement on centimeter size sample
The tensiometer is controlled from a PC over either an RS232 or USB interface. Meets applicable ASTM, DIN and ISO standards for surface tension and contact angle measurements. The following measurement modes are provided:
Du Nouy ring surface or interfacial tension
Wilhelmy plate surface tension
Rod method surface tension
Density (weighing of known volume)
CMC (external titrator)
Wilhelmy plate advancing/receding contact angles
Fiber contact angles (1ug DCA-100F only)
Surface energy calculations (from contact angles)
Modified Washburn method of powder contact angle
Application Areas
Detergency: developing new surfactants and formulations
Inks/Paints/Coatings: wetting and adhesion on solid surfaces
Polymers/Composites/Adhesives: surface energies
Pharmaceuticals: dissolution and adsorption rates of powders
Cosmetics: skin care product development
Textiles and Fibers: textile coatings and single fiber wetting
Food and Beverages: evaluation of emulsions and proteins
Petrochemicals: determine effects of additives or impurities on surface tension
Paper: adsorption rates and characterization of coatings
Biotechnology: surface activity and wettability through contact angles